The only system enabling surgeons to perform multiple clampless aortic anastomoses with minimal bleeding
Clamping the aorta during CABG, may lead to release of atherosclerotic debris resulting in severe clinical complications, prolonged hospitalization and reduced survival rates.
Anyanwu AC, et al. JTCVS 2007. | Vives, et al. Int J Nephrol Renovasc Dis 2019. | Ortega-Loubon C, et al. Braz J Cardiovasc Surg 2018. | Houlind K, et al. Circulation. 2012.
VIOLA is designed to maintain hemostasis & facilitate the completion of multiple aortic anastomoses, without the application of an aortic clamp
Sealing Element
The adaptable sealing element conforms to the aortic wall, resulting in optimal sealing.
Punching System
With it’s Integrated, over the wire aortic punch, VIOLA is the first system to allow seal of the anastomosis site prior to punching, thereby minimizing bleeding.

See How it Works

Single system per procedure
Can be used for multiple anastomoses in a single surgery
Low profile design
Allowing construction of the anastomoses in deep chest cavities and in limited access locations
Single operator
Can be operated without assistance while fixated to the patient bed
Ready to go!
The system is provided ready for use and requires no set up or preparations